History of the Montana – Idaho Chapter

This is the historian report on the National Academy Montana – Idaho Chapter, previously known as the Mon-Ida Chapter.

The Chapter was formed sometime in the 1960s/1970s. The exact date and year are unknown, as their original bylaws were unable to be located; however, bylaws that were amended are dated 1981. The Chapter held their annual conferences (then called retraining meetings) on the 3rd and 4th week of September, and the meeting always held in Butte, Montana. It was held with partnership with the FBI regional office and agents from both the Montana and Idaho area. It consisted of 1½ to 2½ days of classroom lectures, primarily done by agents from Quantico. On the final day of the conference ended at noon, and concluded with all agents and NA graduates participating in a shooting competition and an outdoor steak fry.

In July of 1982, the Chapter joined the Pacific Northwest Chapter for a retraining session in Boise, Idaho, and then continued back to Butte, Montana, till approximately 1991, and then began meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho. Over the years, the annual conference moved around to different locations, depending on the Chapter President’s discretion. There was a conference in Coeur d’Alene 1986; back to Butte in 2015 and Boise in 2016; continued to go to Idaho and back to Montana for a few years, with one year our Chapter partnered with the Wyoming Chapter and we held a joint conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Unfortunately, there are a few gaps in training sessions, as the president switched back and forth between Idaho and Montana. At one time, the Chapter did possess a laptop and large loose sleeve notebook that had large amount of historic data in it. This information has unfortunately been lost over the years as no current member know if it’s location. After speaking with a number of NA graduates across the country, this was not an uncommon practice – that when it was shared from state to state that historical information seemed to be lost. This information that I compiled was after approximately 30 phone calls, talking to Quantico and what it is, is what it is.

In the 80s-90s, the retrainer sessions were held for a little as at the cost of $35 to $85 per person. In 2009, during the annual conference in Missoula, the Chapter’s name was officially changed from “Mon-Ida” to “Montana-Idaho”. Montana-Idaho Chapter bylaws were last amended in 2013.

Michael L. Johnson, 129th Session

